Sunday, January 7, 2018

New Year, New Blog.

Hello there!

This is new territory for me, so bear with me as I am challenging myself to write more and study more in the precious Word of God, our King James Bible.

A few things I would like to accomplish with this blog.

1. Try to share some things I’ve found in my study and reading of the Bible.

2. Random things that are going on in my life. (As if you care... 😂)

3. Encourage others who are struggling in their Christian walk to keep in the battle, and to keep looking up! (We’re almost out of here! Jesus is coming soon, y’all!)

4. And, share other miscellaneous likes, dislikes and hobbies of mine. 

So I meant to post some thoughts I had on the New Year and some encouragement to keep those New Year’s resolutions that we all make, but usually end up breaking not long into the month of January.

I have set some goals and challenges in my life that I would like to see accomplished in 2018. One of them is to lose some weight. Those of you who know me know that I am a pretty big guy. (I’m 6’2 and xxx lbs. 😂 I’m not giving my weight away until I reach my goal, if then even. Sorry. 😂)

I am also planning on some other things as well, Lord willing, in 2018 but I don’t want to say anything yet until those plans get a little closer and more concrete. 

But there’s a few things we can put in place in our lives to make sure we keep those goals we set for ourselves and have a happy and productive 2018.

1. Have a PLAN. 

Most of you already have this if you have set goals for yourselves in 2018. It’s good to have a plan in place as to how you are going to achieve those goals. It would be silly to say, “I’m going to do x, y and z” and not have a way in which to accomplish it. It’s not just going to happen on it’s own just because you want it to happen. Have a plan in place.

2. PURPOSE in your heart to do what you have planned.

I think this is where we fail most of the time in our goals that we make for ourselves. We don’t purpose in our hearts to do it. In other words, we don’t follow through. In Daniel, chapter 1, we find that Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat or his wine. Not following the King’s orders in those days meant certain death. But Daniel stuck to it, ate healthy food and water, and looked much better and healthier than the other servants who partook of the king’s food. The king was amazed at their countenances, and they were promoted in the kingdom as a result. Bottom line here is: follow through with what you planned to do. Don’t give up because it gets hard, difficult or seemingly out of your reach. If you set a goal for yourself in 2018, go for it, and don’t stop until you achieve it!

3. Bathe your Goal in PRAYER.

Make sure that your goal is one that the Lord would have you achieve. Pray about it. Get a peace about it, then go for it! Now obviously there are some things that the Lord wants you to do and some things He wants you to get better at, like prayer, bible reading, soul winning, get healthy, etc., I’m talking about goals like, “Should I move here? Should I buy this (car, house, boat, you get the idea...)”

This is why we should seek the Lord first in prayer before we make them goals in our lives because He may not want those goals for us. He might have something better prepared for us.

Bathe your goal in prayer.

And lastly,

4. PURSUE it.

Enough said. Go for it. Don’t let anything stop you! Go, go, GO! Until you cross that  finish line and achieve whatever it is you are going for!

I hope this helps someone today.

Until next time, have a great day!

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