Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Let's Talk About Friendships.

Hello my friends!

First of all I would like to apologize for not blogging more. It has been an interesting 15 months since I wrote last, and hopefully it won't be another 15 months until I write again. 😬

I am actually excited about where I am in life right now. In November I moved closer to where I work, and I have an amazing church to serve in, an awesome pastor and church family to serve with, and some great friends that I have the had privilege to meet, both in person and online across the country (and even a few around the world!) God has been so good to this guy.

It's such a blessing to be able to have such good friends, and that is actually what I want to talk about a little bit. Friendships, what a blessing they are and how we should always strive to be a better friend.

The bible has a lot to say about friendships. It tells us how to conduct ourselves as friends, and warns us of things we shouldn't do as friends, too. God even calls some of His servants "friends" as well! Think about it. As God was giving us His Word through His men, he took time to tell us about those people He considered His friends. Abraham was His friend. Moses was His friend. Guess what, if you are born again, you are His friend, too! Jesus said, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
  Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you."
John 15:14-15

I just wanted to share some thoughts that have been weighing on my heart about having and maintaining good friendships, and I dearly hope this simple blog post will be a help to someone. 

1.  A Friend cares about you in the good times, and the bad times.

"A friend loveth at all times, ..." Proverbs 17:17

A true blue friend will care about you and check on you when things are going well, and when you think things are falling apart. The last few weeks have been a little stressful for me, I have to be honest. Now things are starting to turn around, and I appreciate the multiple friends who have helped me throughout it all. Y'all are the best.

Not only do they check on you, you need to check on them. If you notice that your friend is going through a hard time, a visit, call or even a message or text would most likely be appreciated. Sometimes even a small note or card offering to help or at least letting them know you are praying for them can be a huge encouragement to them. Be that friend. Be the one they can go to when they need prayer, and a little encouragement along the way.

2. A Friend will not kick you or judge you if you go through a hard time, they will help you and encourage you to get back up.

Job had a pretty rough time when the Lord was allowing him to be tested. Then his friends came to comfort him. For a long time, they just sat there with him and did not say anything. That was probably the best thing they did. Then they started talking and basically telling him that he brought this on himself by committing some sort of sin bad enough for God to bring judgment on him. Friends, don't automatically assume that God is allowing them to go through that hard time because of some evil sin that they have committed. Maybe He is using it in their life to make them grow in their faith, or use them through their trial to reach others with the gospel. Just help them where you can, and encourage them with scripture, kind words and prayer.

3. A Friend prays for you and others always.

The Lord Jesus was always praying for His disciples. When they were going to be tossed and turned in the storm upon the sea, He was praying for them. When he was in the Garden, He prayed for them. He was always praying for them! It's important that we lift up our friends in prayer! They have needs, burdens, trials that they are going through as well, and we need to be praying for them as much as we have the opportunity!

4. Be their Friend, even if they want to cut you out of their life.

Sometimes your friend is going through a hard time and they tend to isolate themselves from all  other friends and not be the friend that they used to be. Maybe it is another controlling thing or person in their life that is pulling them away from you or pulling them toward  something that could be potentially destructive in their lives. They may even commit the almost unforgiveable evil there is in this world: (cue dramatic music) unfriend you on social media!!!

Do not stop being their friend. Love them, encourage them if you can, and most importantly, pray for them. God still does hear and answer prayer, friends.

I am working on trying to be more of a friend to others the same way I would want other people to be a friend to me. The Lord has been working in my life in this area, and I really am working to apply it in my everyday life, and my prayer is that you will also.

Until the next time,
